Thursday, April 28, 2011

Back from Hiatus

Well, not really. I just wanted to share this post from the ever-intelligent and hilarious, Eileen Smith, who pens the "In the Pink" blog. Check it. Subscribe to it. Reblog her stuff.

She recently wrote this post about the bus driver in Austin that was fired for refusing to drop off two women at Planned Parenthood (Some people need free birth control! Don't hate!) Anyhow, it had me doing the laugh-cough at my desk. 

You’ll be  happy to know that a bus driver who was persecuted for his beliefs has won a $21,000 settlement from the Capital Area Rural Transportation System in Austin. Edwin Graning, who is also an ordained minister (times are tough), sued his former employer after being fired for refusing to take two women to a Planned Parenthood clinic. He was afraid they were going to get abortions. Or contraception. Or a mammogram. Or a pap smear. Oh, please. Everyone going to a Planned Parenthood clinic is there for one reason and one reason only. To get a late-term abortion. Just for fun.
“I was put in a position and I was asked to participate in something I am strongly against,” Graning said. “That’s what caused this whole thing.” No, what caused this whole thing was your refusal to drop people off at their bus stops. Where will it end? What about the overweight girl asking to be dropped off at bakery: SIT BACK DOWN FATASS I’LL DROP YOU AT WEIGHT WATCHERS. This is exactly why I don’t take the bus. Like I need to be judged for my frequent stops at the state hospital.

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